
Zaryechnaya part districts are:

Moskovskiy, Kanavinskiy, Sormovskiy, Leninsky, Avtozavodskiy.

Please Note that:

  • the lower part of the city — zarechnaya part;
  • the upper part of the city — nagornaya part.

It is possible to reach Nizhny Novgorod by plane, train, bus or car if you intend to go from Moscow. The most convenient and budget option is the train. There are various types of high speed trains running from Moscow to Nizhny Nivgorod. The journey lasts not more than four hours. There are also several flight options from Moscow to Nizhny, it would take up to 1 hour. Using a car is the least convenient way, it may take up to 8 hours depending on traffic conditions. Nizhny Novgorod is a beautiful city. It is situated on the bank of two rivers, divided into the upper and lower parts, and it has beautiful ancient architecture. We recommend to walk around the city center in order to feel its ‘flair’.

Public Transportation: by bus

If you need to travel round the city, you may wish to use municipal public transportation. Any one-way trip would cost about 30 rubles (less than USD 0.5). But there are always ways to save some cash. For example, you can buy a ‘student transport card’ (includes unlimited trips). The price depends on transportation type you choose. The card is valid on the tram, trolleybus, metro (subway) and bus. There is also a transport card which is called “the wallet”. You can upload funds and the cost of the ticket will always be less than usual. Privately-owned minibuses are also popular: (in Russian — marshrutka) but the ‘transport card’ is not valid there. Minibuses travel more often than ‘large’ municipal buses.

Public Transportation: underground

The metro (subway/underground) in Nizhny Novgorod was opened in the end of the 20th century. For quite a long time it ran only in the lower part of the city. In 2012 the first metro station in the upper part was opened. It is located at Gorky Square and called «Gorkovskaya». Until now it is the only metro station in the upper part of the city connecting Moskovskiy Railway station (the lower part of the city) and Gorky Square, so it is possible to get to the city center from the railway station easily. The lower part of the city has a wider network of metro stations. By the subway it is possible to reach Avtozavodskiy, Sormovskiy, Leninskiy and Kanavinskiy districts of the city. The metro station “Strelka” is located close to the stadium where the 2018 FIFA World Cup took place. The subway opens at 5:00 and closes at midnight.

Operating time of transport

The subway

opens at 5:00 and is closed at 00:00

The bus

opens at 5:00 and is closed at 22:00-23:00

The trolleybus

opens at 5:00 and is closed at 22:00

The tram

opens at 5:20 and is closed at 22:00

By cable car

The cable car was opened in 2012 to provide an alternative type of public transportation in addition to the river taxi, buses and local trains which connect the city of Nizhny Novgorod and the town of Bor which is on the left bank of the Volga River. Residents of these two municipalities often commute for a variety of reasons: for work, to visit relatives, etc. The cable car became a popular way of public transportation, especially among students. As for the tourists, it is also nice to look at the city and river banks with a bird’s eye view. One-way trip costs 100 rubles (~USD 1.50).

By water

If you visit the city in the summer, do not miss an opportunity to enjoy a river cruise that usually lasts 2.5 hours and costs 250 rubles (USD 3.50). You will see the beautiful spot where two rivers merge, the Aleksandrovsky park, Chkalov Staircase, the Aleksander Nevsky cathedral, Voznesenskiy Pechersky Monastery. An unforgettable experience!