The sights of Nizhny Novgorod Region

You have already got acquainted with Nizhny Novgorod, you know what is the Kremlin where there is Minin Square , the Nizhny Novgorod Slope, Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street and Rozhdestvenskaya Street. You know that your hostel is on Gagarin Avenue, house No. 6. But there are many sights in the Nizhny Novgorod Region as well.

In Bolsheboldinsky district (the village Bolshoye Boldino)

In Bolsheboldinsky district (the village Bolshoye Boldino)


Bolsheboldinsky district


The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Boldino is 205 kilometers; journey time is about 2 hours by car and about 4 hours by bus.
Optimum route by public transport: from bus station of Shcherbinki regular buses and commercial minibuses depart to Bolshoye Boldino (the relevant schedule can be found on website).

Entertainments and services cost:

One way ticket is about 500 rubles.


There is the estate of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. In Boldino he wrote "Stories by Belkin", "Small tragedies", "Queen of Spades", "Tale of the Dead Zarina and of Seven Warriers".

In the estate it is possible to take a walk in the park and the apple orchard and also to visit the second Pushkin estate – Lvovka which is located close to the Boldinsky estate. There is also a museum of literary heroes of "Stories by Belkin".

Please note that the trip to Boldino is often included into the social program of conferences which take place at Minin University. Do not miss announcements of such trips. In that case the price of the tour can be considerably less. For example, conferences arranged by the Faculty of Humanities often take place in autumn and spring.

In Bogorodsky District there is Priklonsky-Rukavishnikov' estate

In Bogorodsky District there is Priklonsky-Rukavishnikov' estate


Village of Podvyazye


The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to the estate is 60 kilometers. Journey time from the city of Nizhny Novgorod is 1.5 hours.
Optimum route by public transport: from Kanavino bus station to Bogorodsk you should take bus No. 314 (the relevant schedule can be found on the website (RUS), then take a taxi to Podvyazye (about 15 km).

Entertainments and services cost:

One way ticket: ~100 rubles (bus) plus ~300 rubles (taxi).


At first it belonged to an old noble family, and then it was bought by Mikhail Rukavishnikov – the representative of the famous Nizhny Novgorod family of industrialists and millionaires. The estate was built in the 17th century and now is being restored.

Visitors can walk on the linden avenue, see partially restored building of the estate, farm buildings, stables; they can climb up the stairs to the tower to see the Oka River and admire the landscape.

A visit to Priklonsky-Rukavishnikov' estate should be agreed with administration of the museum by phone +79519131746 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The best time to plan an excursion is in autumn, in spring or in summer.




City Gorodets


The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Gorodets – 62 kilometres. Journey time from the city of Nizhny Novgorod is 1,5-2,5 hours.
Optimum route by public transport: from Kanavinsky bus station to the city of Gorodets there is regular bus №1507. The first bus starts at 6.10 a.m. , the last one – at 8.20 p.m.. The interval between journeys is from 5 to 50 minutes.

Entertainments and services cost:

One way ticket: 167 rubles.


Is the city for those who want to get acquainted with folk art. There you will be able to visit the amazing "Craft City" and see remarkable toys, pictures, carpets, figurines, folk costumes and many other things. You can also stroll around a quarter of the museums, to climb up Gorodetsky hill. Do not forget to buy famous Gorodetsky gingerbread*! While in Gorodets, think about visiting Feodorovsky Monastery as well.

The city Semenov

The city Semenov


The city Semenov


The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Semenov is 69 kilometers. Journey time from the city of Nizhny Novgorod is 1,5-2,5 hours.
Optimum route by public transport: the most convenient to reach the city is by local train. The interval between trains makes 1-1.5 hours. The first train departs at 4:44 a.m., the last one departs at 10:37 p.m. Trains go from Moskovsky railway station up to a stop "Semenov".

Entertainments and services cost:

One way ticket: 144 rubles.


Is the homeland of national trade Khokhloma **. There are the museum and tourist center "Gold Khokhloma" at factory of Khokhloma painting, historical art museum in the mansion of the 19th century, museum of national life "Semyon Lozhkar's House", the museum of Old Belief ***.

Village of Diveyevo and Lyskovsky district of the Region

Village of Diveyevo and Lyskovsky district of the Region


Village of Diveevo and Lyskovsky district


The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Diveevo is about 200 km. Journey time from the city of Nizhny Novgorod is about 3.5 hours.
Optimum route by public transport: from the bus station “Sherbinki” there is only one coach at 10:30 a.m. It arrives at Diveyevo at 2 p.m.
You can reach Diveevo on buses of “Poputchik” travel company as well. The seat should be booked in advance by phone: +79063617151. Please find the information about schedule, prices and booking on the website.
These busses reach Diveevo in 3 hours 20 minutes.

Entertainments and services cost:

One way ticket: from 130 to 250 rub.


Serafimo-Diveevsky Monastery (Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery or Holy Trinity-Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery) is a monastery of nuns (convent) in Diveyevo settlement which is about 200 km from Nizhny Novgorod. It is situated in a region considered to have immense spiritual significance. The convent is famous because Saint Seraphim of Sarov served as Staretz (Elder) for the nuns of this monastery, though he only travelled to the convent once during his lifetime: he was a monk at the nearby monastery of Sarov. After the fall of communism, his relics, which had been feared lost, were discovered in the storeroom of a "museum of atheism" in Saint Petersburg and solemnly transferred to the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery, which has come to be named after him.

The new katholikon was built in 1907-1916 to designs by Anatoly Antonov. The monastery started with the Church of Our Lady of Kazan (Kazanskaya), built in 1773-1780. Saint Seraphim blessed the construction of two churches adjoined to Kazanskaya: The Church of the Nativity of Christ (1829) and the Church of the Nativity of Theotokos (1830). The large Trinity Cathedral with its bell tower was constructed in 1865-1875. The Office of the Hegumenia (Abbess) with it Mary Magdalen House Church and the Alexander Nevsky Trapeza Church were built in the end of the 19th century. Finally. The Transfiguration Cathedral was built in 1907-1916. In 2003-2004 there were significant restoration works in the Monastery celebrating 250 year anniversary of Saint Seraphim. This sacral place is well known to Christians in Russia and beyond. Diveyevo is visited by numerous pilgrims from around the world.

Makariev monastery in Liskovo district

Makariev monastery in Liskovo district


Liskovo district


The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Lyskovo is 100 km. Journey time from the city of Nizhny Novgorod is 1,5-2,5 hours.
Optimum route by public transport: from the bus station “Sherbinki” there is bus № 510 to bus station of city of Lyskovo. Further it is necessary to go down to Volga on pier. The pier is located quite far from the bus station. The ferry goes from Lyskovo's pier to the monastery.
Schedule of the ferry:
From Lyskovo to Makaryevo: 06:15, 08:15, 12:15, 15:15, 18:15.
From Makaryevo to Lyskovo: 07:00, 09:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00.

Entertainments and services cost:

One way ticket: 200 rubles (by bus) and 80 rubles (ferry).


he monastery is located on the bank of the Volga river. The orthodox monk, Macarius was the founder. He was born in Nizhny Novgorod. The house of Macarius parents was near the Temple of Myrrhbearers in Nizhny Novgorod. You can visit the temple at 13A Dobrolyubov St. Near the temple (at the left) you will see a monument to Nizhny Novgorod Saints: Macarius and Efim of Suzdal.

You should also visit cities of Balakhna, Arzamas and lake Svetloyar.

Gingerbread *– sweet cookies with spices. Some spice is always added to the gingerbread dough (for example, cinnamon, carnation, ginger).
Khokhloma ** – painting (drawing) on the wood; on a black background the drawing (pattern) is made in red, green or gold paint. The gold pattern gave the name "gold Khokhloma" to this craft.
Old Belief *** – the religious trend opposing Russian orthodox church reform of patriarch Nikon and tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich in the 17th century.