In Bolsheboldinsky district (the village Bolshoye Boldino)
Bolsheboldinsky district
The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Boldino is 205 kilometers; journey time is about 2 hours by car and about 4 hours by bus.
Optimum route by public transport: from bus station of Shcherbinki regular buses and commercial minibuses depart to Bolshoye Boldino (the relevant schedule can be found on website).
Entertainments and services cost:
One way ticket is about 500 rubles.
There is the estate of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. In Boldino he wrote "Stories by Belkin", "Small tragedies", "Queen of Spades", "Tale of the Dead Zarina and of Seven Warriers".
In the estate it is possible to take a walk in the park and the apple orchard and also to visit the second Pushkin estate – Lvovka which is located close to the Boldinsky estate. There is also a museum of literary heroes of "Stories by Belkin".
Please note that the trip to Boldino is often included into the social program of conferences which take place at Minin University. Do not miss announcements of such trips. In that case the price of the tour can be considerably less. For example, conferences arranged by the Faculty of Humanities often take place in autumn and spring.